Why your DMs are getting ignored

Is this you? 200 outreach dms sent. 30 dms left on seen.

Is this you?

200 outreach dms sent.

30 dms left on seen.

4 replies.

And 0 people interested in what you have to offer.

If that’s you, let me tell you the secret to writing killer outreach DMs.

Here’s the problem: Most people follow a ‘proven’ outreach message from some YouTube Guru.

The result?

Thousands of people like yourself sending the ‘proven formula’, making business owners see the same message,




But it’s not the message itself that gets the replies. It's the principles in it.

The key to every successful outreach message is based on what I call the UV principle:

  • Uniqueness: Your opener needs to stand out from the hundreds of DMs they receive daily.

  • Value: Clearly tell what you have that will benefit them. Before asking for anything, show that you are worth talking to.

For Example:

Instead of saying, “Hi, I offer X service,” try, “Hey, I noticed [specific thing] about your business, and I have an idea that could help you [specific benefit].”

Using these 2 principles will greatly increase your open and reply rate.

That’s all for today bro!

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