Life is like chess

There are always gonna be bad days where you can't find any ideas, can't find any inspiration, feel very demotivated and just feel like a complete shit overall

So you just do nothing and fuck around the whole day and procrastinate

From knowing how this feels, I have learned one very important lesson

Life is like chess...

If the queen, the most powerful piece on the board, gets taken down you will always look for the best move you can make

The fact that you just lost a queen due to a mistake of yours doesn't mean that you have lost the whole game

It's possible to win even If you don't have a queen anymore

Treat life the same way

If you feel demotivated and can't seem to come up with any content ideas

Would your best move be to watch brain rot TikToks for the rest of your day & eat shitty junk food?

Probably not

But going for a nice long walk would help

Meditating or journaling would help

Going for a run would help

In whatever situation you're in, Whether it turns out bad or good is purely dependent on what decisions you make

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