The Mistake Killing Your Personal Brand

“Follow the steps of the people you want to become and you will get to where you want to be.”

That’s a popular phrase you’ve probably heard recently.

The phrase that caused most beginners to make the same mistake when trying to start a personal brand.

I’ll tell you how you can build a good personal brand, by avoiding this one mistake.

See that phrase was not meant to tell you to copy EVERYTHING that a successful person is doing.

But unfortunately, that’s what most beginners do.

Here’s what you should do instead: Copy the framework that made them successful.

It could be their script structure.

Or a tactic they used that made them famous.

Regardless of what it is, you should study their content.

  • Watch their videos and think to yourself, what about their video interests you? 

  • What made you watch the entire video?

  • What made them who they are today?

Note these things down, and reverse engineer what the person is doing and apply it to your own content.

Because the key to building a successful personal brand is being…


You need to be your true self, posting real content, showing your REAL experiences so people will be interested in YOU.

The best way to be authentic is to do something you would do without getting punished for it. Hormozi said that btw

So instead of copying others, observe what works for them and add your own unique style and personality.

By using their proven strategies in your authentic content.

Is what will get you results.

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